Research axes

The Chair’s research program is structured around three axes :

Digital communication technology practices and relationship to knowledge

This axis examines the transformations taking place in the production and circulation of information and knowledge. It investigates digital infrastructure growth (digitization of content, people and data networking) and the diversification of content producers (professionals, amateurs, the general public) in a variety of areas, particularly within scientific groups. In what way do new information and knowledge relationships follow the networking of people and contents? To what extent does the increase in knowledge producers, beyond the scientific sphere, lead to knowledge diversification (amateur, citizen, and “lay” knowledge) and new forms of knowledge circulation and validation? 

Keywords : participatory science; citizen science; experiential knowledge; scientific social networking sites; science 2.0

Communication technology practices and digital cultures

This axis examines emerging digital cultures. It investigates how digital communication technologies mediate social relationships and studies the links between the proliferation of participatory practices and Internet use. In what way do online artistic, participative and collaborative practices contribute to the emergence of digital cultures, and do they participate in broader social and cultural changes? In a context where connectivity is at the heart of contemporary communication practices, is there a new normative order for sociability, communication and online co-ordination? How can we understand digital materiality and the role of objects circulating in online communities?

Keywords : consumption practices of online and mobile audiovisual content among youth; online viewing; online sociability; digital materiality

Digital technology practices and socio-political issues

This axis focuses on the analysis of power relations and ethical issues associated with the production and the use of digital data and digital infrastructures. It investigates whether digital technologies generate new spaces for articulating sociopolitical issues, especially those involving gender and identity (including minority and marginalized identities). How do digital technologies relate to citizen resistance practices and question dominant norms? How does the production and circulation of digital identities strengthen power relations or, to the contrary, challenge them? What ethical issues result from the proliferation of “datafication”?

Keywords : power relations; ethical issues; minority identities; kind; data; datafication

This content has been updated on 1 December 2021 at 14 h 37 min.